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By Charles Rhodes, P. Eng., Ph.D.

The purpose of this web page is to provide information relating to prominent people in karate in Ontario. We welcome new data, especially links to complete biographical information contained on other web sites. As data is acquired this web page should identify major competitors, coaches, officials, Ontario Karate Team Members and National Karate Team Members.

At this time we are seeking reliable historical documentary data where ever it is available. The data should relate to people, tournaments, tournament results, officiating, coaching or Karate Ontario governance. Photographs of prominent individuals would be helpful.

Please email data to CSLRhodes@gmail.com or letter mail or courier documents to:
Charles Rhodes
20190 Kennedy Road,
Sharon, Ontario
L0G 1V0

Telephone: 905 473 1704

INFORMATION ABOUT PROMINENT KARATE PERSONS (name spelling may need correction):
Many others names and links to be added as information becomes available.

Susan Adaskin - prominent 1990s Ontario female competitor, school principal

David Akutagawa - Renshikan Group (Chito-ryu descendent), DOB 1937, DOD 2008

Benny Allen (Eastern Karate Schools - teacher of Wally Slocki, Tony Facetti, Teddy Marton)

Amy Anderson - KC qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Deanne Andrews - Brad Jones sempai

Joy Ang - PKF qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Diyari Azad - Brad Jones sempai

Tran Quan Ba - University of Montreal - brought Quebec karate competitors to CNE circa 1969

Saeed Baghbani - An Ontario male competitor who has been a medalist in world competion

Mike Beardwood - KC qualified KAO official, Gojuryu

Shirol Bellman - prominent female kumite competitor and sempai from Brad Jones Karate-Doh

Ken Benson

Victor Bishop - Tsuruoka Headquarters BB early 1970s

Clarence Borja - Seiwa Kai, Musashi Karate Academy Head Instructor, National Kumite Champion 2002, National Kata Champion 2001, 2003 onwards Karate Ontario Official,

Andrew Bowerbank - Brad Jones competitor in 1990s, later took up kendo, author of two books about Masami Tsuruoka, active in energy efficient buildings

Ada Bratic - an Ontario female competitor who has been a medalist in world competition

Hasan Bratic - father of Ada Bratic and Nadja Bratic, chair of High Performance Committee

Nadja Bratic - an Ontario female competitor who has been a medalist in world competition

Peter Brown

James Sidney Burke - Producer of Video "Otousan" about the life of O-Sensei Masami Tsuruoka, email: Sidney.Burke@gmail.com

John Carnio - first Canadian to medal in world karate competition - silver medalist in kumite 1970

Bill Carr DOB June 18, 1944, DOD November 16, 2013, started with Masami Tsuruoka December 1965, promoted directly from blue belt to black belt 1967 by Dr. Chitose. Dojo head of Port Credit club for over 40 years, KC qualified KAO official

Josh Carrick - Principal of TNT Martial Arts

Zvonko Celebija WKF and PKF qualified KAO official, PKF Referee Council 2013, chief referee at many KAO tournaments, Shotokan

David Chong

Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose - founder of Chito-ryu, DOD 1984

Fern Cleroux - early Tsuruoka student - Cleroux's Chito-ryu Karate

Luis Collado - a Brad Jones sempai

Leo Cossetto - Brad Jones sensei

Christopher De Sousa Costa - an Ontario male competitor who has been a medalist in world competition

Nina Deghan - Active KOA female BB competitor ~ 2000 - 2005

Dan Desson - Started karate 1970 at Tsuruoka Dupont & Spadina dojo, became 6th dan BB at Tsuruoka Hq. dojo, joined Brad Jones dojo ~ 1995, switched to Tai Chi after about 35 years of karate, retired high school teacher

Cherie Dometrich - younger daughter of William Domitrich, teaches karate in Covington, Kentucky

Devorah Yoshiko Dometrich - kobudo expert

William Dometrich - founder of United States Chito-ryu Karate Association, DOD ~ 2012

Kenzo Dozono - long time KAO official, Shotokan, dojo head Belleville SKIF, his daughter also prominent in KAO competition circa year 2000

Josh Drury - PKF qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Kim Dunn Former principal of ISK

Margarite Estner - started karate ~ 1970, Tsuruoka Hq. BB ~ 40 years

Ron Fagan

Bino Felix - Prominent BC karateka, won CNE Tournament against Ted Jungblut ~ 1974

Malcolm Fisher - dominant Canadian and Karate Ontario competitor mid 1980s to mid 1990s - only non-Japanese full graduate of JKA Instructor Pregram

Carmen Forgione - ISK Club died in late 1990s

Frank Foulkes -long time Tsuruoka black belt, University of Toronto karate team captain 1967

Emilio Franch - long time KAO official, Shotokan

Gichin Funakoshi - Japanese originator of modern karate, especially Shotokan

Peter Giffen - author of Shane Higashi web site (started karate training 1969)

Joe Gilles - early Tsuruoka student- Shotokan-Nishiyama Group

Norm Gillies - long time KC qualified KOA official skilled in administrative matters. Served as KOA treasurer and VP 1999-2007 and brought order to KOA budgets and finances. Norm moved on to be president of NKA (Karate Canada) 2007-2009, ChitoRyu

Robin Gobin - student of Ted Jungblut, past international competitor, Canadian Tire executive

Wallace Gossen - York Regional Police ETF, Brad Jones sempai

Monty Guest Started karate 1961, BB 1964, brother to Nathan Guest

Nathan Guest - early Tsuruoka student - Kaishin Kan Karate Organization

Ron Hair - Trained in Mobile, Alabama with Mikami, Ontario with M. Tsuruoka - BB-1977, in Alberta with Frank Prystupa& Jeff Jukes at Mount Royal College and in Granby, P.Q.. On Alberta team to Nationals in 1978, in 2016 resident in Dubai.

Marc Hamon - outstanding international competitor from Quebec who occasionally competed in Ontario, DOD ~ 2004

David Harrison - prof. of physics, University of Toronto, Tsuruoka Hq. ~ 1969 - ~ 1975

Ken Hayashi - former Tsuruoka student, Athletic Commissioner of Ontario in 1998

Tammy Hennessey - KC qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Hal Henschel - dominant Tsuruoka Hq. competitor in late 1960s

Shane Yukio Higashi - DOB October 14, 1940, head of Canadian Chito-ryu Karate Association

Don Hooper - party organizer in Tsuruoka Hq. Club in early 1970s, now deceased

Martin Hung

Kevin Jackson - Brad Jones sempai, principal of Biz Zonew

Clint Jenkins - Brad Jones sempai, Toronto Police ETF ~ 2012

Trish Jennings- Sensei at Jennings Karate

Jim Jennings - Ontario team coach since 2005, Sensei at Jennings Karate

James Johnson - former NKA president

Brad Jones Principal of Brad Jones Karate (one of the largest karate clubs in Ontario), former national coach, former national team member, former dominant provincial competitor, wife: Kelly Lapierre

Jon Juffs Former national official and former director / president of KAO 1989 - 1995

Ted Jungblut photo - Ted Jungblut Resume Sensei Ted Jungblut is one of the most exemplary karateka in Canada. His prominent students include Robin Gobin and Jim Jennings. Ted Jungblut was the dominant Canadian national kumite competitor in the 1970s and was the Canadian national team coach from 1985 to 1991

Kiran Kainth - KC qualified KAO official, Gojuryu

Dervish Karahalalilovich - Circus performer - extraordinary strength & flexibility, prominent Tsuruoka Hq. karateka in early 1970s

Tony Kuriokopoulis - student of M. Tsuruuka since early 1970s

Judy Kindred, AKA Judo Judy - dominant Canadian female karateka in early 1970s

Julie King - Brad Jones sempai, principal of Biz Zone

Mae Trung King - BB age 15 ~ 1991, prominent Ontario and National team member through 1990s, from Brad Jones Karate-Do

Dragan Kljenak - PKF qualified KAO official, past president of KAO, Shotokan

Kathryn Laidlaw - Okuyama black belt, author of feature articles about Okuyama and Kubota, KOA volunteerr and frequent attendee at KOA open board meetings.

Andre Langelier - Early Tsuruoka student

Bruce Lee - a Chinese American Gung Fu artist, who corresponded with Masami Tsuruoka and who became world famous for his 1970s performances on TV and in feature films

Gaylord Lindal - long time Tsuruoka black belt, past CEO of Viceroy Homes, location provider of Tsuruoka summer camps (Camp Kamikaze), his favorite number was 100, ie 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 leg raises, etc

Neville Longhurst - Brad Jones sempai

Dave Lucchetta-elected KOA board member 2001, long time prior assistant at KOA events, father of Debra Lucchetta, a 1990s KOA elite female competitor.

James MacDonald- Tsuruoka Hq. BB, 2014 teaching karate at Sterling School

Yamamoto Mamoru - a fearsome training colleague of Masami Tsuruoka under Master Chitose ~ 1971 he frankly scared this author, I would have been more certain of survival in a dojo with an uncaged full grown tiger

Umberto Marasco - dojo head of Tsuruoka Newmarket Club 1971 - 1975 before it became Brad Jones Karate-Doh, started training with M. Tsuruoka 1966, his early students included Brad Jones, Jim Jennings and John Juffs, Marascou@gmail.com, Tel: 905 264 4068

Patric McCarthy - an expert on use of pressure points, has presented various seminars in Ontario

Monica Mclean - wife of Jon Juffs, KOA tournament director in early 1990s

Betty Mochizuki - Tsuruoka student since early 1970s, a KC qualified KAO official and Tsuruoka event organizer

Sam Moledzki bio, Sam Moledzki article, Sam Moledzki Shito-Ryu Linage Chart - 1970s KAO and KC team member, Shito-Ryu expert, dojo head, long time KAO and KC official

Masatoshi Nakayama JKA CEO to mid 1980s, author of Best Karate book series on Shotokan kata, extraordinary linguist

Chuck Norris - a successful US karate competitor who became moderately famous for his subsequent lead roles in TV series and feature films

Takemasa Okuyama

Yasunori Ono - all Japan University Champion 1967, won CNE 1969 against Walli Soloci

Victor Ossetchkine - KC qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Dr. Ned Paige - Early Tsuruoka student, Wen-Do creator

Dominic Pinto - won CNE against Ted Jungblut ~ 1971

Sebastian Pirrone - president of KOA and NKA 2005 - 2007, VP KOA 1999 - 2003, major advocate of giving member clubs outside the Greatrer Toronto Area a larger voice in KOA affairs, PKF qualified KAO official, Gojuryu

Mark Pridham - KOA board member 1999 - 2003, KOA official and director, long time assistant or participant at KOA events, died October 26, 2016.

Tom Racey

Charles Rhodes - author of this web site, energy expert, karate involvement since 1960s, University of Toronto karate team 1974-1975, Tsuruoka Hq. dojo 1969 - 1979, Brad Jones dojo 1992 - 2012, previous KAO director, KAO official 1995-2005

Don Ritter - Canadian National team repeat competitor in 1990s, dojo head of Don Ritter Karate

Earl Robertson - Yoshukan Karate (Chito-ryu descendent)

Roman Saltikov, KC qualified KAO official, Gojuryu

Joel Shaw - lawyer and 1990s director of Karate Ontario

Fred Simonaitis - KC qualified KAO official, Shitokai

Walli Slocki - a Canadian associate of superfoot Bill Wallace (same style), 2nd at CNE, 1969

Gerry Snape - Brad Jones dojo ~ 1990 - ~ 2012

Babak Sotoudeh

Sriram Rangam - KC qualified KAO official, Shotokan

Karl Sutton

Timothy Suzuki

George Sylvain (Ottawa) - early Tsuruoka student

Masaru Takano, 8th dan Shotokan - early student of Masami Tsuruoka

Tanaka - prominent JKA instructor from 1980 to 2013

Allen Tanzadeh - PKF qualified KAO official, dojo head Tanzadeh Shitokai

Gerorge Taylor

Antonio Terra - PKF qualified KAO official

Ron Tkacz - competitor in 1970s, provincial team coach in 1980s, Karate Ontario Tournament director from early 1990s up to his death in 2004

Susan Tkacz - wife of Ron Tkacz, principal of ISK dojo

Suenori Tominaga, dojo head University of Toronto for 40+ years, KAO official, Shotokan style expert, reported seriously ill November 2016.

Mai Troung (King) - Prominent 1990s teenaged female competitor from Brad Jones Club

Kei C. Tsumura - Nisei Karate Club - Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre

David Tsuruoka - son of Masami Tsuruoka, current head of Tsuruoka organization, BB for over 45 years, email:info@tsuruokakarate.com

Kay (Kei) Tsuruoka - wife of Masami Tsuruoka, taught womens kata in 1960s and early 1970s, supported work of O-Sensei Masami Tsuruoka until his death in October 2014

O-Sensei Masami Tsuruoka - DOB January 12,1929, DOD October 10, 2014, Father of Canadian karate, awarded "Founder's Rank" Judan (10th dan) in 2006 by National Karate Association (Karate Canada).

George Usher - Prominent junior coach at Brad Jones club, principal of Dextran Pharmaceutical Products

Shivakumar Vadivelu - PKF qualified KAO official, Shito-Ryu,

Anush Varasteh National champion, Kanzankai senior instructor

Farhad Varasteh - principal of Kanzenkai (Iranian Karate), father of enormously successful female kumite competitor Nassim Varesteh Reyhanian

Nassim Varasteh Reyhanian Pan Am and World medalist, National Team head coach, Toronto Region Coach, Kanzenkai senior instructor

Pirooz Varasteh National champion, Kanzenkai senior instructor

Craig Vokey - KC qualified KOA official, Gojuryu

Haley Wagner - elite teenage female competitor from Brad Jones Karate-Doh ~ 2011

Alex Waith - Wado technical expert, dojo head North York Wado, KAO official for over 20 years

Bill Wallace - a highly successful US full contact US karate competitor who became known as "super foot" due to achieving knockouts via kicks to his opponent's head

Brian Waterworth - computer expert with IBM, husband of Kathy Waterworth, father of elite female competitor Victoria Waterworth, uncle of elite female competitor Haley Wagner, long time (~ 20 years) assistant at KOA & KC events.

Kathy Waterworth - a administrative assistant at Brad Jones Club, at Karate Ontario and at Karate Canada, mother of elite female competitor Victoria Waterworth, aunt of elite female competitor Haley Wagner, sister-in-law to Karen Waterworth, wife of Brian Waterworth

Victoria Waterworth - prominent female competitor from Brad Jones Club

Alana Welch - former Ontario competitor

Tug Wilson - Winnipeg - early Tsuruoka student

Quai (Quoy?) Wong - early Tsuruoka student, Wong's Shorin-ryu Karate/Kung Fu

I. Yabunaka - long time KAO official, Gojuryu


This web page last updated April 15, 2023.

Xylene Home History People Ontario Teams Canadian Teams Evolution Sources Contacts Links